Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Secret Garden

My Secret Garden
Crappy photo but I don't even care. I just am happy I did such a big painting. My son was in the hospital for 5 weeks and I poured myself in to this painting. Why is it I cannot paint unless I am suffering or very manic because I was jealous over some great art I came across? I did the skateboarder on fire painting, (actually, reworked a crappy painting in to a morphed firey one). I drew complex bird studies and worried myself in to oblivion in those five weeks. But I produced art. Now I'm trying to get myself moving again while the art piles up because I'm too lazy to try to sell it. Lord... I need to get off my ASS.

Very A, in Blue - Canvas

I started working on canvas last summer. It's got the advantage over paper in one way... it doesn't have to be framed and for that reason I love it. The downside is micron pens don't work. Drawing on canvas is always a pain. So far I've found sharpies work best. I'm hoping to find other markers that hold up to canvas and might even play with water and thin out for shading. I keep getting stuck on the letter A. Getting sick of seeing it myself.

Letter A on Canvas... Squared